Top Ten Remarkable Achievements of PM Modi for India, Excluding the Ayodhya Ram Temple Resolution Accelerating Foreign Policy: Modi's dynamic foreign policy approach focuses on enhancing relations with neighboring countries and attracting global investment to India. During his visits to the US, France, and Germany, he actively engaged with business leaders, urging them to participate in the Make in India program. His efforts aim to present India as a more competitive, confident, and secure nation. External affairs ministers like Sushma Swaraj and Jaishankar have contributed heavily to this endeavor After Article 370 abrogation Building Confidence in Kashmir: In an endeavor to address long-standing grievances in Kashmir, Modi's government demonstrated immediate and sincere responsiveness during devastating floods in the region. He monitored the situation and dedicated resources to assist the affected people. Additionally, Modi spent Diwali with Kashmir fl...
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While moving from Ahmadabad to Delhi .... more anecdotes Shri Narhari Amin, a Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha and former Deputy Chief Minister of Gujarat, shared an interesting story about Narendra Modi's thoughtful gesture before he became the Prime Minister of India. According to Amin, Modi did something unique by giving away his salary and other financial earnings that he received while serving as the Chief Minister of Gujarat. Amin revealed that Narendra Modi generously donated the entire surplus income he had accumulated during his time as Chief Minister, which amounted to around Rs. 35 to 40 lakhs. He distributed this amount among his dedicated staff members, including security officers, peons, cooks, and janitors, who had faithfully served alongside him for 12 years in Gujarat. Amin emphasized that in the past 70 years since India gained independence, no other political figure, whether a Chief Minister, Member of Parliament, Union Minister, or corporate lead...
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Some Interesting anecdotes in Modi Ji s life As a child, Narendra Modi had a dream of joining the Indian Army. His goal was to attend a Sainik School in Jamnagar. Unfortunately, his family's modest income prevented him from pursuing this opportunity. His father owned a small tea stall at the Vadnagar railway station in Gujarat's Mahesana district. This tea stall was the main source of income for the family, who lived in a small house measuring 40 feet by 12 feet. Despite the circumstances, Modi's love for the army remained strong. During the 1965 India-Pakistan war, a teenage Modi served tea to soldiers travelling in trains and passing through the nearby railway station. As the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has celebrated festivals such as Diwali with the soldiers of the Indian Army. EARLY LIFE AND DEBATING SKILLS Narendra Modi was born and educated in Vadnagar. He was known as an outgoing boy who actively participated in extracurricular activities. He engaged in debates a...
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Modi Ji's Political Journey: From Organizing Mastermind to Visionary Leader Narendra Modi's political history is a fascinating tale of perseverance, leadership, and innovation. His association with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) played a crucial role in shaping his subsequent political career, propelling him to great heights. RSS to BJP During the 1980s, while fulfilling various responsibilities within the Sangh, Modi's exceptional organizing skills began to shine. In 1987, a new chapter began in his life when he assumed the role of General Secretary of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Gujarat. In his first task, Modi achieved a historic victory for the BJP in the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation elections. Additionally, he ensured that the BJP secured a close second position to the Congress in the 1990 Gujarat Assembly elections. Modi's organizational prowess was evident again in the 1995 Assembly elections when the BJP's vote share increased, leading to...
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Modi Ji s Life after 19 and middle age In a unique traditional manner specific to Narendra Modi's caste, his family arranged a betrothal with Jashodaben Chimanlal Modi, leading to their marriage when she was 17 and he was 18. However, shortly after their wedding, he made the difficult decision to leave his wife and home. Although they never officially divorced, Modi did not publicly acknowledge their marriage for many decades. It wasn't until April 2014, just before the national election where he gained power, that Modi publicly confirmed his marriage to Jashodaben. Interestingly, their marriage was sexless, and Modi kept it a secret because his involvement with the puritanical RSS organization would have been jeopardized. His spiritual Journey Following his departure, Modi embarked on a two-year journey across northern and north-eastern India. During this time, he visited several Hindu ashrams established by Swami Vivekananda, including the Belur Math near Kolkata, th...
Modi Ji as a child
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Few glimpses from Modi Ji s life narrated in several books and by his close associates Once upon a time in the small town of Vadnagar in Gujarat, there lived a young boy named Narendra Modi. Born into a humble family on September 17, 1950, he faced the challenges of poverty from an early age. However, Narendra refused to let his circumstances define him. Instead, he possessed the qualities of a natural leader, which would later shape his destiny. The Strategist Narendra studied at B N High School, where he had a remarkable encounter with a kabaddi match that showcased his strategic prowess. The school had two teams competing against each other, and one team always seemed to end up on the losing side. They turned to Narendra for help, and he eagerly took on the challenge. Observing the winning tactics of the dominant team, which consisted of older players, he analyzed their moves and trained his own team accordingly. Narendra's team implemented his strategy flawlessly a...
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Modi Ji s Top 5 achievements Over the years, Modi Ji has implemented several policies and initiatives aimed at transforming various sectors of the Indian economy and society. Here are five major achievements of Modi Ji during his tenure: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission): One of Modi Ji's flagship programs, the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, aimed to make India open defecation-free and ensure access to clean sanitation facilities. The campaign focused on building toilets in rural areas, promoting hygiene practices, and creating awareness about the importance of cleanliness. As a result, millions of toilets have been constructed across the country, leading to a significant improvement in sanitation and health conditions, particularly in rural areas. Jan Dhan Yojana (Financial Inclusion Program): The Jan Dhan Yojana was launched to provide access to financial services for the unbanked population in India. Under this initiative, bank accounts were opened for millions of prev...